Sunday, April 13, 2008

Talent in various forms

The Talent Cycle:

An effective corporate university has a broad charter: it has the responsibility to look at “talent” holistically. Rather than focus exclusively on employee development or management development, it should also be involved in planning what talent is needed to execute corporate goals, in defining the skills and finding the best people, and in developing those skills and providing a career path for retention.

This is an era where traditional corporate HR silos have to be taken down. Without the authority to look at talent from multiple perspectives, the corporate university will be less effective and find it much harder to show any return on its work. Ideally the corporate university always keeps the talent cycle model in mind.

Corporations like Yahoo have already done this and are reaping the benefits that an integrated talent acquisition and development function provide.

1.Talent in various forms is the only power in the universe leaving its footprints in different fields like arts, industry, research, etc. Talent of human brain is ruling the world and it will rule the world.
2.Talent in warfare and administration created the emperors like Asoka and Alexander.
3.Talent in meditation made an ordinary prince Siddhartha as Lord Buddha.
3.Talent in politics made Aristotle to transform an ordinary prince Alexander a the world conqueror.
4.Talent in observation made Issac Newton to discover the driving force of Universe i.e, the
Gravitational Force.
5.Talent in acting made the artists to rule their countries.