Sunday, April 13, 2008

Average, A life line

Let’s have a average knowledge. Average is all round living formula. Heat,
Cold, food, sleep, discipline, criticism. Every living organism want everything but at average. In sports, manners , discussion anywhere, anytime average is always in practice.
Now the philosophy of average without average there is no life. Are you feeling foolishness, meaningless, and just like feelings by reading this. Let’s have a study. Let’s analyses the following facts.

1.If the speed of planet is less or more the members of solar family, the atmosphere on earth are not like this.
2.Discipline beyond limits gives negative effects.
3.Too much reading, food generates health problems.
4.Too much criticism declines the status and many more.

Think practically, as “too much is very bad”,”Good average is very Good.”
“Having good average is having good capacity”.
One one side of the world average is the ruler. That’s why among the things which have to love average is one among the preferable. It is one among the reasons which influence success and failure.
In a journey of slow motion some body said to driver “speed up man , it’s getting late. Some other said go slow. Too speed is too danger”.
In an examination because of too speed getting mistakes a student failed. On the other hand because of too slow a student failed to attempt all the questions and he also failed. And many more examples of success and failure depending on average.

Try to get good ratings of average . It will bring you success.