Is the following is a logic or question or doubt? Just know the following
You know somebody renamed human beings as rabbits? First of all what do you want? I want to share some opinions. Ok, what are they? Let’s know the following.
We write simply o,k for OK? Then why not ‘c’ for see, sea; ‘T’ for tea; ‘Y’ for why; U for you; U,R for your? Is single alphabet ‘C’ means the conclusion of ocean, the sea or the character of eye, to see. Just a matter of logic and for people of logical thinking a matter of entertainment.
Lead means a chemical substance but same world belongs to leadership. Getting something for money and giving send off are buy and bye and if we apply some elasticity to them a man will comes out as a ‘boy’. The people, the things on head and animal became same things as heir, hair, and hare. Many things are like that. The magic of pronunciation. Hear and here, sight and site, in and inn, our and hour, pray and prey are some of the logics and magics.
You know to learn this language is very easy. Observe the following continuations.
2.he→her→here→there or sphere
→the→they or them
3.all→call or ball or fall or hall
do→don→done + own→town→ink→pink or sink
7.I + one→ione
It consists I, on, one. Any of these gives ions, the chemical substances. That too they are two types positive and negative.
8.’re’ is used for using next time. “Act” means to do something. It belongs to Law also. And
Act + in + g→ Acting. But at the same time they gives a response.
Re + Act→React.
9.He + art→Heart.
What a magic word expressing the relation between man, art and heart.
10.’Ra’ means the Sun God. God and why gives a light ray.
Ra + Y→ Ray, adding P it gives a request.
P + Ray→Pray. What a combination know? Ra, Ray, Pray.
“God gives light to life by Pray”.
The Philosophy of language, a word sharpening the capacity of observation, the entertainment of logic and language, pray and prey.
Between pray, prey, God, Light there is a close relation between them know.
And many more in many languages and in many sciences. Let’s become experts using logic happily.