Monday, April 14, 2008

Welcome to Talentseek

“Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.”

Talentseek was created as a place where talented people from all over the world can showcase their talent and easily be found by those people searching for talent. No matter your talent, no matter your age, no mater your sex, ethnicity or religion there is always someone looking for the talent you have.

If you have talent, Talentseek is the place for you, Never before has it been easier for people searching for talent and people who have talent to connect and communicate. It doesn’t matter if you live in a small town or a big city, with Talentseek you are just a few clicks away from what your looking for.

Its all on you how you use Talentseek, for fun, for networking, for employment, for advertising yourself, for Fame and Wealth, the choices are endless and all yours, find out just how easy it is by signing up with Talentseek today!

Talentseek is for both the Talented and the Talent Seekers, this site is searched by Talent Agencies, Movie Production Companies, Directors, T.V Producers, Advertising Companies, Corporations, Manufactures, Business Owners and more, and they are all looking for someone, is that someone you? The possibilities are ENDLESS with Talentseek.

A World of Talent, in the palm of your hand.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Talent in various forms

The Talent Cycle:

An effective corporate university has a broad charter: it has the responsibility to look at “talent” holistically. Rather than focus exclusively on employee development or management development, it should also be involved in planning what talent is needed to execute corporate goals, in defining the skills and finding the best people, and in developing those skills and providing a career path for retention.

This is an era where traditional corporate HR silos have to be taken down. Without the authority to look at talent from multiple perspectives, the corporate university will be less effective and find it much harder to show any return on its work. Ideally the corporate university always keeps the talent cycle model in mind.

Corporations like Yahoo have already done this and are reaping the benefits that an integrated talent acquisition and development function provide.

1.Talent in various forms is the only power in the universe leaving its footprints in different fields like arts, industry, research, etc. Talent of human brain is ruling the world and it will rule the world.
2.Talent in warfare and administration created the emperors like Asoka and Alexander.
3.Talent in meditation made an ordinary prince Siddhartha as Lord Buddha.
3.Talent in politics made Aristotle to transform an ordinary prince Alexander a the world conqueror.
4.Talent in observation made Issac Newton to discover the driving force of Universe i.e, the
Gravitational Force.
5.Talent in acting made the artists to rule their countries.

How talent changed the World?


Talent in education

Talent in science


Industrial Revolution

Colonization and Imperialism

Revolutions and Fusion of cultures and traditions

New Ideology(Talent in thinking: Liberty, Fraternity etc)

Foundation of Modern World

World Wars

Cold War


Revolution of Information Technology

Elephant Painting:

“Be a free bird in expressing your talent.”
“Talent is neither destroyed nor created.”
“Exploit yourself. Become a Legend.”



2.Logical entertainment
3.Literature and poetry
6.Feelings and experiences
7.Your photo
12.Boys and

ESSAYS: On any matter love, technology,politics,service etc.

LOGICAL ENTERTAINMENT: Consists the entertainment and thinking which evolves from languages and from terminology of various sciences.

FEELINGS AND EXPERIENCES: Consists some incidents which resembles practical happenings. If available real incidents.

YOUR PHOTO: It includes photographs of people. Family, friends, personnel, historical photos etc.

DESIGNS:It will have some new models of vehicles, ornaments,buildings etc.

VICTORY: it consists stories,essays etc by the creative character ‘Leader’ on the qualities, behavior,
Etc of the victory.

YOUTH: it resembles the youth in all spheres of life in various forms.

BOYS:specially for boys in all spheres.

GIRLS:specially for girls in all spheres.

Define politics

If it is not there some intellectuals will not come out. what do you mean?they are just
Nuisance makers. But intellectuals means scientists,educationists and many intelligent. They are guides
To govt. They are creating the world.
Yes, that’s the right thing. The intellectuals are creating the creating the world. But they are working
Under politician's. They are obeying the politicians. They are obeying the policies. It means real
Politicians are the real intellectuals.
Let’s have a small discussion.
You are Mr. Nuisance. I am Mr.politician

Mr.p: Now listen my words.

First of all what are politics? So know them. You have to know the govt. now answer me. What
Is government?
Mr.N: A govt is an organization which evolved in the journey of thousands of years of human race to
Lead a systematic life.
Mr.P: Exactly. Naturally the rulers got authority and responsibility on both hands. Generally the authority
And luxury life attracted others and they tried for crow and thus founded the politics. Basically the aim of
The govt is governance.
Mr.N: but the main aim of the politician's is the authority. Neglecting the society.
Mr.P: But for the real development of society is the aim. For this sake he works for the authority.
Mr.N: for the social service, what is the necessity of authority? There are many ways.
Mr.P: yes, there no necessity of authority for social service. But that’s the b/w a politician and social
Mr.N: Is your argumentation have any base? How can you distinguish them.
Mr.P: It’s a valuable question. Listen me calmly and pleasantly.

If you give some support, aid to somebody it is help. It confirms to your people. If this help
Is extended to many strangers it is the service. If this service is done by private persons it is called
Social service and if it is by govt. it is called duty. When the both social service and govt duty combines
Evolves the working style of politician. Let’s know how this social service proceeds.
For anything in the world the chief source is money. So the person have the big amount in the form
Funds. There may arise some problems like superstitions,literacy etc. it is a big process.
Govt will have huge machinery working under politicians. Specially authority. Simply the social
Service includes requests,cooperation and just like that. Govt duty includes social service and protection
Of the country.
Politics includes defeats,victories,feelings,sentiments,crimes and many more. All are for authority.
For a correct politician all are for govt duty.

Mr.N: I think you are a politician.
Mr.P: if there’s a chance, surely.
Mr.N: good luck and good night.
Mr.P: wait a minute. You have to listen some more.
Mr.N: proceed my dear.
Mr.P: Politics are the real test of intelligence. They are the study of brain and human character. Real examination of leadership and commitment towards the society.

There’s a great saying, “politics are wars without weapons. Wars are politics with weapons”.
Exactly defines what politics , I just extended it for social service

A social servant having command , knowledge of criminology and society, knowing the sources of problems and solutions, wide thinking, speech with influence will become a perfect politician.
When a politician becomes victorious with morality and honesty no person will be more intellectual and better man to him.

Mr.N: Thank you, you have educated me on real science.
Mr.P: Let’s have better world under Great Politicians.

“Politics are the war of minds.Let us win them.”

Average, A life line

Let’s have a average knowledge. Average is all round living formula. Heat,
Cold, food, sleep, discipline, criticism. Every living organism want everything but at average. In sports, manners , discussion anywhere, anytime average is always in practice.
Now the philosophy of average without average there is no life. Are you feeling foolishness, meaningless, and just like feelings by reading this. Let’s have a study. Let’s analyses the following facts.

1.If the speed of planet is less or more the members of solar family, the atmosphere on earth are not like this.
2.Discipline beyond limits gives negative effects.
3.Too much reading, food generates health problems.
4.Too much criticism declines the status and many more.

Think practically, as “too much is very bad”,”Good average is very Good.”
“Having good average is having good capacity”.
One one side of the world average is the ruler. That’s why among the things which have to love average is one among the preferable. It is one among the reasons which influence success and failure.
In a journey of slow motion some body said to driver “speed up man , it’s getting late. Some other said go slow. Too speed is too danger”.
In an examination because of too speed getting mistakes a student failed. On the other hand because of too slow a student failed to attempt all the questions and he also failed. And many more examples of success and failure depending on average.

Try to get good ratings of average . It will bring you success.

Feelings and Expressions

Is there any way to study the heart beats .Yes, it is the study of face readings i.e, the expressions.
The movements of verves and heart beat come out as expressions. These expressions are the connecting points of the two worlds of body, inner and outer. In fact the feelings and expressions are interdependent.
The feelings of expressions come out as expressions and takes the form of incidents. When somebody’s
Feelings of experiences come out as expressions and takes the form of action they become experience of others and the process continues.
Many valuable things like love and friendship in the world have no physical appearance, just feelings
Ruling the real world. Feeling of pain encourages a person to suicide, gives birth to hatred, vengeance and
Proceeds to anti social activities while the feelings of goodness creates a world of beauty.
The feelings are among the driving forces of practical life. Let’s have a study something special.
The feelings of happy gives an expression of beauty, the feelings of insult gives an expression of pain.
The expression of beauty creates a pleasant heart and generates and develops the human relations. An
Expression of pain evolves disappointments, doubts and many more.
Feelings have that kind of character that can directs the journey of the world. These will dictate the way
Of thinking. There evolves many ideas, plans that will give a push to life, either positive or negative.
While the expressions are the form of appearance of the feelings, the feelings are the reactions on somebody’s actions. The feelings and expressions are the things which resembles the human character.
Finally, just observe them and move ahead.

Real Weapons

What’s a weapon? a sword, a dynamite, a missile and many more. But, basically in the human world there are only three weapons and they are the real rulers of the world. Just know them and archive them.
Firstly the wisdom, secondly the authority and thirdly the money. Wisdom as the apex point of knowledge it is the creator of the entire world. Since the sense of nature we exploited it for our sake only because of the wisdom supported by experience.

The wisdom in its journey along with the world changed it a web and in its way to made it a micro web.
Effects of wisdom founded the authority in the name of government and established a systematic way of life. Authority, the final goal of the politics, politics the real proof of intelligence are the fruits of wisdom.
Money, the blood and breathe of modern world with equal share of good and bad is the moving wisdom in everybody’s life, in every day's life. How can you rule the world? By Acts, by Constitutions where are they come from? How can the experts are advising the government? How various sciences like astronomy, genetics and various technologies life biotechnology, Nano technology emerged. Simply all these are the fruits of wisdom. It means it is the real ruler and creator of the world.

Authority, it is the another name of power. It is the direct ruler of the world in the name of politics. For good and bad it is the apex point . Status, Honor, Money, Respect come themselves to the person having Authority. Just achieve Authority it gives you prestigious and life.

In modern world money is the sun and people are its family. It increase is dangerous. It’s decrease is dangerous. We cannot leave it completely. We cannot gain it completely.

My dear citizen remember the money circulation is the blood circulation of the hitech world.
Wisdom directs the direction of world’s journey. Money rules it every day, every moment. Let’s have a pray to the practical ruler, money.

“Please love me. I’ll see you like my heart”.

Finally, Money is the practical ruler, Authority is the direct ruler and Wisdom is the real ruler and it is the ultimate power.

Business, The Modern Dictator

Business, a way to fulfill our needs completely swiped the human society. Created slaves, technology and many more.
Having developed as Industrial Revolution, Business given a new way of journey to the human society. It laid the foundations for Imperialism as Capitalism. Capitalism transformed as colonization and finally settled as Imperialism and the consequences are revolutions, apartheid, economic drain of colonies, fusion of cultures, invention of modern technology and many more. Today even the arts became commercial. Internet emerged as second Industrial revolution and all of us know politics are influencing by Business since many years.
Wait a minute? What is your conclusion. Is it is one of the valuable creations of human race? Of course. But today it is the Dictator.
Do you want to rule the world? If your answer is yes, then your first step must be Business and final goal must be Industrial Emperor. Then directly or indirectly you’ll succeed.
Are you are the Industrialist? Then an engineer, a doctor, a scientist and many experts are exists in you because today all these are the employees of Industrialist. If you want to study the world your first option
Must be business. Education, Research, Economic policies, communications everything is the interior part of Business. It is better to say the entire world.
Software, another name of convenience is completely the fruit of Business field. Today a major branch of science and technology.
Today, Industrialists are the role models and intellectuals, receiving the highest honor in the society. Come on, Let us rule the world.

Logics in language

Is the following is a logic or question or doubt? Just know the following
You know somebody renamed human beings as rabbits? First of all what do you want? I want to share some opinions. Ok, what are they? Let’s know the following.
We write simply o,k for OK? Then why not ‘c’ for see, sea; ‘T’ for tea; ‘Y’ for why; U for you; U,R for your? Is single alphabet ‘C’ means the conclusion of ocean, the sea or the character of eye, to see. Just a matter of logic and for people of logical thinking a matter of entertainment.
Lead means a chemical substance but same world belongs to leadership. Getting something for money and giving send off are buy and bye and if we apply some elasticity to them a man will comes out as a ‘boy’. The people, the things on head and animal became same things as heir, hair, and hare. Many things are like that. The magic of pronunciation. Hear and here, sight and site, in and inn, our and hour, pray and prey are some of the logics and magics.
You know to learn this language is very easy. Observe the following continuations.


2.he→her→here→there or sphere
→the→they or them

3.all→call or ball or fall or hall



do→don→done + own→town→ink→pink or sink

7.I + one→ione

It consists I, on, one. Any of these gives ions, the chemical substances. That too they are two types positive and negative.

8.’re’ is used for using next time. “Act” means to do something. It belongs to Law also. And
Act + in + g→ Acting. But at the same time they gives a response.
Re + Act→React.

9.He + art→Heart.

What a magic word expressing the relation between man, art and heart.

10.’Ra’ means the Sun God. God and why gives a light ray.
Ra + Y→ Ray, adding P it gives a request.
P + Ray→Pray. What a combination know? Ra, Ray, Pray.

“God gives light to life by Pray”.

The Philosophy of language, a word sharpening the capacity of observation, the entertainment of logic and language, pray and prey.
Between pray, prey, God, Light there is a close relation between them know.
And many more in many languages and in many sciences. Let’s become experts using logic happily.